2D Feature-Based Registration#
Register images to a reference image based on feature-based methods

- imagestack
A stack of images (3D Arraylike)
- detector
Method to detect and describe feature points in an image. Options: (‘Sift-Silx’, ‘Sift-SciKitImage’, ‘Orb-SciKitImage’)
- matcher
Method to build correspondence between the feature points in two images. Options: (‘Descriptor-Silx’, ‘Descriptor-SciKitImage’)
- mapper
Method to find parameters of the transformation to best satisfy the matches Options: (‘LstSq-Numpy’, ‘LstSq-SciPy’, ‘Ransac-SciKitImage’)
- transformation_type
Type of transformation the mapper uses to satisfy the matches
- inputs_are_stacks
If true: Will treat imagestack input of shape [B,N,H,W] as [B*N,H,W]
- reference
The image in the stack that everything will be aligned to