Pre-Registration Evaluation#
Orders the given stacks by likelihood of yielding a successful alignment when using phase-cross-correlation to align by translation

- imagestacks
List of imagestacks that require the same alignment
- inputs_are_stacks
If true: Will treat imagestacks input of shape [B,N,M,H,W] as [B*N,M,H,W]
- stack_names
Names of the different stacks
- preferences
List of indices or names (if provided) that will take precedence over the calculated ranking
- relevant_stacks
Amount of stacks that will be returned
- full_ranking
All indices in the calculated order
- ranking
Identical to full_ranking, but truncated to {relevant_stacks} elements if specified
- stack_names
The names of the first {relevant_stacks} stacks, if stack_names have been specified
This ranking is only relevant for images requiring translations and does not have meaningful output in other cases
The ranking is based on the phase-cross-correlation algorithm. The cross-correlogram between the first and every other image is calculated, which has a peak corresponding to the shift between the images. By taking the ratio of the peak value and the mean, we can examine how sure this method would be and how much the two images correspond to a pure translation